Thursday, January 31, 2008

Crayon Hearts

If the sun seems to peer right into your window, give it something pretty to look at -- and through. These translucent hanging hearts are easy to make from waxed paper and crayons. In return, sunbeams will color your room with cheer.


ei! kumpel said...

this is beautiful!

Thanks for your visit! :) You can check out the "ei! kumpel" answer here:

hope you like it, it's funny!

HKpowers said...

I love this idea, every year at valentines I want to do this. I think this is the year for me to make it happen! Thanks for adding me as a contact on Flickr. Check out my blog too if you like.

Prezzie said...

hi margarida, ok i will check ou then. thanks for dropped by.

Prezzie said...

hi heather, sure you can make one this year. will check out your blog then.